Registering to play football with Newmarket Soccer Football Club in 2025 involves a three-step process, with three separate payments required. Players will not be eligible to play with a team or be covered by insurance until all three steps have been completed. Please note, if the last time you/your child played association football was overseas, please contact the Registrar before registering.
***NB Newmarket registration can be done on either phone or computer, Squadi is easiest on phone app and PlayFootball easier on a computer/laptop, not a phone.***
3-Step Registration:
Step 1: Newmarket Club registration (most age groups are closed)
- Click on the green 'Register Now' button on the front page (
- Players details and the payment of Club fees are required.
- Payments can be made by BPay or Credit Card.
- Direct debit payment plans are available, requiring a 50% deposit paid at registration with the balance to be paid in regular instalments by 31 May 2025.
- If you require club emails to go to more than one primary contact, add multiple email addresses to the 'Communications Options' when registering.
Step 2: Squadi registration (Football Queensland, association fees)
- Download and login to the Squadi app or website (
- Even if you are registering your child, please register yourself first as the account holder.
- Once logged in, press the three dots in the bottom right labelled 'more'.
- Select 'My Profile' then select 'My Full Profile'.
- Click the maroon 'Actions' box and select 'Register'.
- Choose a player to register, either yourself, or your child. You may need to 'Add a new participant' or if you've used this before, you will have options already available with their info pre-loaded.
- Confirm or enter personal details.
- Players need a passport style headshot photo to be uploaded. Please note no hats, sunglasses, animals or other people, less than 12 months old and less than 2MB.
- On the next page, it will ask you to 'Find a competition'. Click on 'Organisation name' and start typing Newmarket. Select 'Newmarket Soccer Football Club'
- You will see the competitions Newmarket participates in. Choose from:
Metro Coles Miniroos (U6 - U12). Choose 'Outdoor Player'. There may be an age group option, choose the relevant one. If you're asked to choose a division (Kangaroo, Wallaby, Quokka, Bilby or Joey) and you're not sure, choose Wallaby for boys/mixed teams and Joey for girls teams.
U12 Miniroos are called 'Outdoor Player Junior'.
Metro Juniors (U13 - U18). Choose 'Outdoor Player'. - Metro Seniors (U18+). Choose 'Outdoor Player'.
- Once all details entered, press the maroon button 'Add Competition and Membership'.
- The next page will show a summary and fees paid. If you have another child/player or coach/manager to register, press the orange 'Add Another Participant' button, located top right of screen.
- Once you're ready to complete the registration/s, agree to the Terms & Conditions by checking the box and press 'Continue'.
- Select you payment type and pay the mandatory Football Queensland governing body fee (processing fee applies) by pressing the maroon 'Submit' button:
U6-U11 $50
U12 - U18 $66
Seniors $130 - For a how-to-video on this process, please visit:
- At the end of this process a link will be provided which will take you to Step 3. If not, please see the link below. Please note, while Squadi registration is best completed on the app on a phone, the next step, PlayFootball is challenging to complete on a phone and is best completed on a laptop or computer.
Step 3: Register with Play Football (Football Australia, regulation fees)
- Register in Play Football on the website:
- This step is best completed on a computer or laptop (not a mobile phone).
- Sign in or 'Create a New Account'.
- Choose from one of the three options: 'Re-registering', 'New to Football' or 'Coaches, Referees, or Volunteers'
- Find Newmarket by starting to type in the Club name. Make sure to choose the Newmarket in Queensland!
- Click on 'Register'
- Select who you are registering 'Yourself' or 'Somebody Else'
- Previous registrations linked to this email account will appear here. Choose one if available or press 'Ignore and Close' and click 'Continue'.
- Agree to the Terms & Conditions by checking the box. Press 'Continue', then 'Start'.
- You will be able to track your progress through the registration with the steps listed in the blue left hand navigation bar. This does not appear on the phone version, making it hard to see where any further info is to be entered.
- Enter details for the Primary Account Holder. If you are registering your child, the Primary Account Holder is the parent.
- Enter details as prompted, clicking 'Next' to progress through personal details, contact info, emergency contact, etc.
- During the screen 'Regulation Details', it will ask if your last association football club was in Australia. If it was not, please contact the Registrar for details on the process that will be triggered if this is selected.
- Complete 'Verify Identity'. This includes uploading a passport style close head shot photo. No hats, sunglasses, animals, other people, etc. This step will also ask for you to nominate a document you will be able to show the club as proof of identity/dob of the player. This can be a passport, drivers license, birth certificate, student id or library card.
- Please have this on hand to show your team manager at a training session. It is ok to bring a photo of the document itself. No documents are required to be submitted or recorded, just cited.
- You will be asked to review your registration details and select a payment method.
- Note: You do not need to know your FFA No. An existing one will be used, or a new one generated (even if you already had one).
- Note: To accept the Terms & Conditions, you need to click on the four T&Cs shaded blue and close them to be able to shade them green and proceed from that page.
- Note: Players U6 - U12 are called 'Coles Miniroos', U13 - U18 are called 'Outdoor Juniors', U18+ are called 'Outdoor Seniors', Coaches are called 'Team Coach', Managers are called 'Volunteer/Manager/Physio'.
- When completing registration on Play Football you will be prompted to pay the mandatory Football Australia association fee:
- U6 – U18 $15
Seniors (18+) $35 - PlayFootball has put out a number of guides, How to Register on Behalf of Someone Else, How to Self - Register, How to edit a photo after registration, etc.
This completes the three-step registration process.
Payment Plans: Newmarket offers an interest-free payment plan option for your Club registration fees. A deposit of 50% is required at the time of registration with the payment plan option of paying the remaining 50% by 31 May 2025.
Fair Play Vouchers: Newmarket accepts the Queensland Government Fair Play Vouchers to be used towards registration fees for football.
Outstanding Debts: It is important to note that if you have not paid your fees in full for previous seasons, participation in the 2025 season will not be cleared until payment is made.
Family Discount: Newmarket offers a family discount for Miniroos and Junior siblings. A $50 discount will be applied per player for the second and subsequent players on each registration (excluding Squirts).
'No Pay - No Play' Policy
The Club has a policy of “no pay – no play” in fairness to the overwhelming majority who pay on time. Please note that a player’s registration will not be forwarded to Football Queensland until Club, FQ and FA fees are all paid (meaning the player cannot participate in any fixtures).
Should it prove difficult for a player or parent/guardian to pay the total fee amount at the sign-on time, we have a payment plan available through the registration process. If you have any questions, please contact the Registrar via
See Newmarket's 2025 fees here.
Our Fees Include the following:
- Registration Fees for respective affiliation
- Playing jersey for Under 13 - Under 18, Metro, FQPL and Over 35/45 teams
- Referee Fees
- Team Photo and Trophy for Mini-Roo Players
- Team Photo for Junior Players
- Ground Maintenance
- Training Equipment
- Technical Director of Coaching
- Club running costs (electricity, water, insurance, rental, rates and taxes etc)
Our Fees exclude the following:
- Playing jersey for Mini-Roo Players (Under 6 - Under 12)
- Player shorts and socks for all age groups